Friday, January 8, 2010

Girls, Which object is best to masturbate with?

I need to know which object is most pleasurable masturbating with.Girls, Which object is best to masturbate with?
do an internet search for ';female masturbation techniques';Girls, Which object is best to masturbate with?
1: A carrot lubricated with grapeseed oil: Rub it very quickly over your clit.

2: Drops of water: Drop drops of water on your clit.

3: Showerhead: Take the showerhead and point it up to your clit.

4: Hands: There are many ways. Watch a video on YouTube called C Spot Orgasms. There are more such as G, A, U and S stop orgasms.

Ok! That was my cousin KB! He is a female orgasm expert.

HoMEDICS pain percussion massager with heat. Available in the drug stores.
you're hands darling. you're hands.
Something cylindrical .
your hands
Oral-B Vitality tooth brush.Make sure it's not the same one you use to brush your teeth though, lol.
your hands, cucumbers, the end of your hairbrush, end of a tooth brush :)
My Penis.

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